Shown at Masi Lugano, Palazzo Reali

At first glance, one might get the impression that The Bank Of Dreams belongs to the usual inventory of the museum. The camouflage effect of the work is created both by its inconspicuous positioning and by its design. Anita Mucolli's ATM, located in the reception area of MASILugano, outside the exhibition spaces, consists of a flat screen running advertisements, framed by metal and so-called scagliola, a material with which Mucolli imitates marble, thus echoing the "classical" style of the building's architecture. However, as soon as we hear the music and the voice of the advertisement coming from the speakers, it becomes clear that this is not an ordinary ATM, but one that sells us dreams.

The Dream ATM is the first of its kind and can be seen as a prototype for future models. A near or perhaps more distant future in which capitalism embraces the advancement of technology in such a way that it literally invades our subconscious and commercializes what previously seemed impossible: our sleep and our dreams. With the help of the dream vending machine, users are able to choose and buy their own dreams. Any kind of dream can be brought to life in this way: the thrill of a fast ride in a race car, moments from the past, or products that can be tried out without actually entering the store. On the other hand, those who purchase their dreams will increasingly be subject to conditioning from specific advertisers, as they will be part of the product purchased, allowing them to become even more effectively embedded in the subconscious. The discovery of the dream machine would potentially mean a revolution for the capitalist market, because until now neither consumption nor production has taken place during sleep.

From this speculative future perspective, Anita Mucolli's work The Bank Of Dreams invites us to reflect on concepts of productivity and freedom in our contemporary capitalist society, and to weigh those consequences that the uncontrolled spread of science and technology could bring to any area of our lives.

- Noemi Pfister, Co-Curator of PLATTFORM


Sound: Jasper Simeon Mehler

Vocals Song: Hannah Mae Mehler

Text of the song and voice in video: Anita Mucolli

Exhibition PLATTFORM21 at MASILugano, 2021.

Photo credits: Mattia Angelini

Courtesy: PlattformPlattform

The work ‘THE BANK OF DREAMS’ was awarded the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021.

→ Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021

→ Applaus: Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021 für Anita Mucolli


→ Exibart

→ Artslife

Special thanks goes to:

Masi Lugano and their technical team

The curatorial team of plattformplattform

The technical supporters at the Academy of Art & Design FHNW